Graduation Registration Form Registration is strictly reserved for students graduating in 2024. No staff or parent should register here. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form. – Step 1 of 2Student Profile DataCarefully Provide Your Student Information and a right course as this data shall help the University to solve common errors in the graduation List and in the processing of the academic documents.Name *FirstLastEnter Your Student Number *Enter Your Student Registration Number *Provide Your Actual Date of Birth *Provide an Active Email Address *EmailConfirm EmailProvide an Active Phone Number *NextProvide Further DetailsCarefully Provide Your Student Information and a right course as this data shall help the University to solve common errors in the graduation List and in the processing of the academic documents.Enter the Year of Entry *Choose the Year–Select–20042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Enter the Year of Graduation *Choose the Year–Select–2006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220232024Select the Study Programme *–Select–DayEveningWeekendLong DistanceWhat is your Sponsorship? *–Select–Government PrivateChoose Your School/Faculty *-Select–Faculty of ScienceFaculty of EngineeringFaculty of AgricultureFaculty of Special Needs & RehabilitationFaculty of Arts and HumanitiesFaculty of Social SciencesFaculty of EducationSchool of Art and Industrial DesignSchool of Management & EntreprenuershipSchool of Built EnvironmentSchool of Computing and Information ScienceFaculty of Vocational StudiesInstitute of Distance Education, E-Learning & Learning CentresDirectorate of Research & Graduate TrainingSelect your Department from Faculty of Science *–Select–Department of Biological ScienceDepartment of PhysicsDepartment of ChemistryDepartment of Mathematics and StatisticsDepartment of Food Science TechnologyDepartment of Sports ScienceSelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Science in Leather Tanning TechnologyBachelor of Science Technology – PhysicsBachelor of Science Technology – ChemistryBachelor of Science Technology – BiologyBachelor of Food Science and Processing TechnologyBachelor of Science in Textile and Clothing TechnologyBachelor of Science in StatisticsBachelor of Material and Ceramic Science TechnologyBachelor of Science in Sport and Leisure ManagementBachelor of Environmental Science Technology and ManagementBachelor of Science with Education (Biological Sciences)Bachelor of Science with Education (Economics)Bachelor of Science with Education (Physical Sciences)Bachelor of Science in Sport and Exercise InstructionDiploma in Science Technology – PhysicsDiploma in Science Technology – ChemistryDiploma in Science Technology – BiologyDiploma in Food Processing TechnologyDiploma in Sports ManagementChoose your Department from Faculty of Engineering *–Select–Department of Civil and Environmental EngineeringDepartment of Mechanical and Production EngineeringDepartment of Electrical and Electronics EngineeringDepartment of Bio-Medical and Mechatronics EngineeringDepartment of Mining, Chemical and Petroleum EngineeringSelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Science in Oil and Gas ProductionBachelor of Science in Chemical and Process EngineeringBachelor of Vocational Studies in Technological Studies with Education.Bachelor of Engineering in Building and Civil EngineeringBachelor of Engineering in Mechanical and Manufacturing EngineeringBachelor of Telecommunication EngineeringBachelor of Engineering in Environmental Engineering and ManagementBachelor of Engineering in Automotive and Power EngineeringBachelor of Engineering in Industrial Engineering and ManagementBachelor of Mechatronics and Biomedical EngineeringBachelor of Electrical EngineeringDiploma in Civil and Building Engineering (Attainable at Kabale)Diploma in Water EngineeringDiploma in Refrigeration and Air ConditioningDiploma in Biomedical EngineeringSelect your Department from Faculty of Agriculture *–Select–Department of Agriculture ProductionDepartment of Soil Science and Irrigation ManagementDepartment of Agricultural Education and AgricultureSelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Agriculture with EducationSelect your Department from Faculty of Special Needs & Rehabilitation *–Select–Department of Hearing Impairment and Sign Language Interpretation StudiesDepartment of Visual Impairment StudiesDepartment of Community and Disability StudiesDepartment of Adult, Community and Life-Long LearningDepartment of Intellectual and Development DifficultiesSelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Adult and Community EducationBachelor of Community Development and Social JusticeBachelor of Community Based RehabilitationDiploma in Community Based RehabilitationDiploma in Sign Language InterpretingDiploma in Mobility and RehabilitationSelect your Department from Faculty of Arts & Humanities *–Select–Department of Languages and Communication StudiesDepartment of Religious Studies and PhilosophyDepartment of Literature and Film StudiesDepartment of Performing ArtsDepartment of History, Archeology and HeritageDepartment of GeographySelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Arts in ArtsBachelor of Arts with EducationBachelor of Performing ArtsBachelor of Cultural Heritage StudiesBachelor of Archeology and Heritage ManagementSelect your Department from Faculty of Social Sciences *–Select–Department of EconomicsDepartment of Development StudiesDepartment of Political Science and Public AdministrationDepartment of Social Work and Social AdministrationDepartment of Sociology, Anthropology and Population Studies (Demography)Department of PsychologySelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Guidance and CounsellingBachelor of Arts in EconomicsBachelor of Demography & Reproductive HealthBachelor of Development StudiesBachelor of Public Administration and Resource GovernanceBachelor of Arts in Social SciencesBachelor of Social Work and Social AdministrationBachelor of Art in Security and Diplomatic StudiesBachelor of Economics and StatisticsSelect your Department from the School of Education *–Select–Department of Foundations and Educational PsychologyDepartment of Technical Teacher and Instructor EducationDepartment of Teacher Education and ExtensionDepartment of Education Planning and ManagementDepartment of Early Childhood and Pre-Primary EducationDepartment of Curriculum, Pedagogy and Educational MediaSelect your Study Course *–Select–Diploma in Educational Planning and ManagementBachelor of Technical Teacher Education ElectricDiploma in Instructors Technical Teacher EducationDiploma in Instructors Technical Teacher EducationBachelor of Teacher EducationEarly Childhood Development Teachers' CertificateEarly Childhood Development Teachers' CertificateCertificate in Nursery TeachingDiploma in Early Childhood DevelopmentBachelor of EducationDiploma in Education SecondarySelect your Department from the School of Art and Industrial Design *–Select–Department of Fine ArtDepartment of Industrial and Commercial ArtDepartment of Visual Communication (Graphics)Select your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Art and Industrial DesignBachelor of Interior and Landscape DesignBachelor of Textile and Apparel DesignBachelor of Computer and Graphic DesignBachelor of Vocational Studies in Art and Design with EducationDiploma in Interior DesignDiploma in Textiles Design and Surface DesignSelect your Department from School of Management & Entrepreneurship (SOME) *–Select–Department of Finance, Accounting and Micro-financeDepartment of Management and Administrative SciencesDepartment of Business Administration and EntrepreneurshipDepartment of Procurement and Supply Chain ManagementSelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Business Studies with EducationBachelor of Business AdministrationBachelor of Science in Accounting and FinanceBachelor of Administrative ScienceBachelor of Procurement and Logistics ManagementBachelor of Management ScienceBachelor of Banking and MicrofinanceSelect your Department from the School of Built Environment (SOFBE) *–Select–Department of Quantity Surveying and Property ValuationDepartment of ArchitectureDepartment of Geo-informatics (Land Survey)Select your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of ArchitectureBachelor of Surveying and Land Information SystemsBachelor of Science in Building EconomicsBachelor of Science in Land EconomicsSelect your Department from School of Computing and Information Science (SCIS) *–Select–Department of Computer ScienceDepartment of Networks, Data Science and Artificial IntelligenceDepartment of Library and Information ScienceSelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Information Technology and ComputingBachelor of Library and Information ScienceBachelor of Information SystemsSelect your Department from the School of Vocational Studies (SOVS) *–Select–Department of Family Life and Consumer Studies (Home Economics)Department of Hotel and Institutional CateringDepartment of Cosmetology and Fashion (Clothing Design)Department of Nutritional Science and DieteticsSelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Vocational Studies in Home Economics with EducationBachelor of Science in Human Nutrition and DieteticsBachelor of Hotel and Institutional CateringBachelor of Fashion and CosmetologyDiploma in Hotel and Institutional CateringDiploma in Fashion and Apparel DesignSelect your Department from Institute of Distance Education, E-Learning & Learning Centres *–Select–ARUA COREBISHOP STUART COREBISHOP WILLIS COREBOROBOROBUKEDEABULERA COREBUSHENYI LEARNING CENTERBUSHENYI COREBUSUUBIZICANON APOLLOGULUGULU COREIBANDAJINJAKABALE BUKINDA COREKABALE CAMPUSKABULASOKE COREKABWANGASIKAMURASIKIBULIKITGUM COREKIYOORALIRALODONGALOROMAIN CAMPUSMOROTO COREMUKUJJU CORENAKASEKE CORENDEGEYA CORENGORANKOKONJERUNTC KABALENTC KALIRONTC MUBENDENTC MUNINTC UNYAMANYONDOPAIDAHRAKAISOROTI LEARNING CENTERSOROTI CORESelect your Study Course *–Select–Bachelor of Science in Accounting and FinanceBachelor of Procurement and Logistics ManagementBachelor of Administrative ScienceBachelor of Business AdministrationBachelor of Arts with EducationBachelor of Science with Education (Biological Sciences)Bachelor of Science with Education (Economics)Bachelor of Science with Education (Physical Sciences)Bachelor of Arts in Social SciencesBachelor of Community Development and Social JusticeBachelor of Community Based RehabilitationBachelor of Science in Accounting and FinanceBachelor of Procurement and Logistics ManagementBachelor of Administrative ScienceBachelor of Business AdministrationBachelor of Arts with EducationBachelor of Science with Education (Biological Sciences)Bachelor of Science with Education (Economics)Bachelor of Science with Education (Physical Sciences)Bachelor of Arts in Social SciencesBachelor of Community Development and Social JusticeBachelor of Community Based RehabilitationBACHELOR OF EDUCATION (ODEL) – BED(ODEL)BACHELOR OF EDUCATION (SCIENCE) – [ODEL]BACHELOR OF EDUCATION SECONDARY – EXTERNAL – (BESE)DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION PRIMARY – EXTERNAL – (DEPE)DIPLOMA IN SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION EXTERNAL – (DSNEE)BACHELOR OF EDUCATION PRIMARY – EXTERNALBACHELOR OF SPECIAL NEEDS EDUCATION EXTERNAL – (BSNEE)DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION PRIMARY – (DEP)DIPLOMA IN EARLY CHILDHOOD DEVELOPMENT – (DEC.)Choose your Course from the Directorate of Research & Graduate Training *–Select–PhD in Public Policy and Governance (By Research Only)Master of Counseling PsychologyMaster of Organizational PsychologyMaster of Arts in Public Administration and Resource GovernanceMaster of Social WorkMaster of Arts in EconomicsMaster of Arts in Development StudiesMasters of Arts in Security and Diplomatic StudiesPost Graduate Diploma in Security and Diplomatic StudiesPhD in Religious Studies (By Research Only)Master of Arts in HistoryMaster of Arts in Religious StudiesMaster of Arts in GeographyMaster of Arts in LiteratureMaster of Arts in MusicMaster of Arts in Music EducationPhD in Education (By Course work & Dissertation)Master of Education in Early Childhood DevelopmentMaster of Education in Educational FoundationsMaster of Education in Policy, Planning and ManagementPostgraduate Diploma in EducationPostgraduate Diploma in Educational Management and LeadershipPostgraduate Diploma in Teacher EducationMaster of Science in Construction Technology and ManagementMaster of Science in Advanced Manufacturing Systems EngineeringMaster of Science in Structural EngineeringMaster of Science in Water and Sanitation EngineeringPost Graduate Diploma in Manufacturing System in EngineeringPhD in Food Technology (By Research Only)PhD in Biological Sciences (By Research Only)PhD in Physics (By Research Only)PhD in Chemistry (By Research Only)PhD in Sport Science (By Research Only)Master of Science in ChemistryMaster of Science in Conservation and Natural Resource ManagementMaster of Science in Food TechnologyMaster of Science in PhysicsMaster of Science in Sport ScienceMaster of Science in Applied MathematicsMaster of Public HealthPostgraduate Diploma in Food Safety ManagementPostgraduate Diploma in Physical Education and SportsPostgraduate Diploma in Sports ManagementPhD in Special Needs Education(By Course work and Dissertation)Master in Special Needs EducationMaster of Disability Studies and Inclusive DevelopmentPostgraduate Diploma in Community Based RehabilitationPostgraduate Diploma in Special Needs EducationMaster of Business AdministrationMaster of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain ManagementMaster of Science in Organization and Public Sector ManagementPhD in Design and Visual Culture (By Course work and Dissertation)Master of Art and Industrial DesignMaster of Science in Human NutritionMaster of Science in Agricultural Education and ExtensionMaster of Science in Animal ProductionMaster of Science in Soil ScienceMaster of Science in Crop ScienceAny Comment or Information to Share or Explanation? 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